Starting this foundation has led to a lot of “good karma.” Every day I find it’s true when they say “do good, and good things will happen” or “what comes around, goes around” is my personal favorite. When the ad was run to “Break 50 Chains for a BMX,” there was plenty of interest from a variety of people, all ages, all walks of life. I like to think it’s because my custom BMX bikes that i offered in exchange for the work, are just so appealing! I sorted through the applicants and narrowed it down to a few. Ultimately, I started off with a great guy named Kyle. I am still floored by his motivation to have disassembled 50 chains in just a few days (read the article below about meeting Kyle). Through the work that Kyle volunteered for our charity, I was honored with the opportunity to get to know him. We had a few great conversations about “life” and what he was doing for the charity, what it all meant to him, and how appreciative I was for his help. (This next part I had no idea, no idea at all) Kyle shared with me that he was here in Minneapolis staying with family, and that he was committing to staying sober. The work that he was doing for our charity was helping him to keep busy, motivated, and sober. I was totally floored by and felt a sense of pride in getting the opportunity to help Kyle through this hurdle he was taking on. In meeting Kyle, I would never have guessed that he was a recovering addict and that he was 40+ days sober. Nor would I have ever thought that this “project” would be so helpful for someone. After Kyle shared his story with me, we really started to talk about how keeping your word, and helping others is a great way to help yourself. It is a great feeling. I shared my story with Kyle too, and explained that the charity is a “controlled depression” for me. Instead of giving up, like I did in the beginning when I lost my mother, I started to give back, and that has given back threefold. I believe that things happen for a reason, and people are brought into our lives to teach us certain lessons or help us at various times of need. Kyle and I were brought together for a reason. The charity has helped him have focus and purpose. That “Pay It Forward” philosophy that the charity is founded on will move on through Kyle. Even after receiving his BMX bike in exchange for his work, Kyle is still volunteering his time and has taken on another 50 chains to break in exchange for another bike! Soon, Kyle will return home to his daughter and move forward with his commitment to sobriety and well-being. We cannot thank Kyle enough for his hard work and for the opportunity to meet him. Link Support will stay in touch with Kyle, we will continue to remind him how important he is, and what good he can do. Thanks Kyle – You The Man!