With the invitation to host a table at the Lagers for Legacy event at Summit Brewery came an opportunity to experience great beer, fantastic food donated by Old Chicago, and the chance to hear about Marilou and Jenny’s efforts with the Leech Lake Legacy. You can find the story of Marilou starting the Legacy Link in honor of Ahnung, her furry, four-legged friend from Leech Lake HERE (the word HERE should link to the story). Marilou has saved and relocated thousands of dogs; Hearing her stories of being able to rescue animals from insufferable cruelty and find them safe and loving homes is a true inspiration. We are so proud and loved our experience of working with Marilou and Jenny to keep the Leech Lake Reservation a place where dogs are safe and valued, as our closest companions should be. If you are interested in volunteering opportunities, donations, or just learning more about Leech Lake Legacy, you can find them at www.leechlegacy.org.