Home / Link Store / Large Pet Link Pin & Collar Charm


Here’s another brand New edition to the Link Line! Thay are recycled from a custom made chain for a machine. The Metal manufacturer was kind enough to donate all these raw metal Links for us to use as we please. So we pleased and made these Hat and or Lapel pins that you can wear any where you please.  They are 1.25″x.5″ and have a Paw Laser engraved on them. Then we had them clear powder coated, and attached the pin backings. Each Link Pin comes with a rubber backer, and the Collar Charm has comes with a split ring. Wear one with pride along with your pet where ever you go, and be sure to tell people! Let them know they are a major link in the huge chain of connection and support.

Large Pet Link Pin & Collar Charm – $15.00

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    What people are saying...

    • The Link Foundation created the “O” link to bring awareness to ovarian cancer.  The “O” link is key in helping uyo spread the word on this deadly disease.  Jeff’s links create a new way to educate people about this disease in a creative and meaningful way.

      Cece Krelitz,