Home / News / The Stay Strong Link Is A Worldwide Chain…


Link Support travels to northern Europe via our very own BMX pro superstar Dustin Grice of ridetcff.org.  In addition to stellar performances at one of BMX’s biggest events of the year (Simple Session in Tallinn, Estonia, https://session.ee), Grice took time to share Stay Strong Links with other BMX pros such as Harry Main, Mark Webb, Shannon Farrugia and Kyle Baldock.  A huge thank you to all of you for supporting Stay Strong “staystrong.co.uk”  and the Stephen Murray Foundation. And rocking the Links! And once again a Huge Thank You To Dustin Grice. Look for Dustoin and The Twin Cities Fantasy Factory somewhere in the air this summer.


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    What people are saying...

    • I am grateful for The Link Foundation because they take an interest in individual lives. They have blessed a few of our underprivileged teens with the nicest bikes they could have ever envisioned! It meant so much to each teen, giving them a greater sense of worth and identity.”

      Andy Swanda, VP of Outreach & Community Engagement Treehouse