The Link Foundations mission is simply to help other charities and “support groups” in promoting and fundraising for their goals and efforts. And at the same time to spread our own message of connection. We are just trying to say that we are all in this together, like a big ol’ chain, and we need to support each other in whatever the situation may be, from a bad day, to the loss of a loved one, we all need to know others are there with love and support. This is what we find so amazing, that something that is typically thrown out or recycled like an old chain link can symbolize each of us in the chain. By wearing a link it will help to remind us all of this, and maybe others will notice it and ask what it’s all about.
As a 501c3 charity we are 100% non-profit and plan to operate that way as long as we can. No one gets a paycheck from us, we have no payroll, and all our funds are turned directly back into the materials, events, and Government fees it takes to do what we are doing. This also makes it hard to spend every moment we wish we could working on our mission, we only wish we could be at every event, fundraiser, and more. But thats where we are looking for the help of others, to help us help!
If you have any questions about where and what we are doing with our funds, please feel free to reach out to us on our contact page. Thanks and Link up everyone you know, and then those you don’t know too!