On December 17th of 2013 I received an email from a 19 yr old named Matt in the UK that was diagnosed with Leukemia in July of 2013. He was asking if there was any way he could create a Link to raise money to thank the Cancer Organizations that had been helping him. I was blown away thinking heres a kid that gets a complete hold up on life, along with a better chance of losing his life too. No running of to the beach, or chasing girls, or riding his BMX with all his mates. I responded right away and told him I would look into it right away and get back. Before I could finish up what I was working on, maybe within two hours, I received a phone call from a group here in Minnesota looking to fundraise for an eight year old little girl named Faith who was also diagnosed with Leukemia. So that was it, that was a sign enough for me to get started on what is now the Leukemia Link. Which I whole heartedly will always believe like everything else we are doing here at the Link Foundation…. This is really meant to be, and it’s for Matt and Faith and everyone who has to fight or has fought, and those we have lost to this horrible cancer. Please Link up and support Leukemia research and awareness and the Programs that help these kids keep their minds clear and positive in such a cloudy part of life. A huge thank you to Teenage Cancer Trust for all you have done and are doing for Matt, and Make A wish Foundation for fulfilling Faiths dream of going to DisneyLand.