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Pit bulls score at or below average for aggression when compared to other dogs. Dogs are not naturally aggressive. Almost any dog can be taught to be aggressive. However, the evidence shows clearly that this is not a dog problem, but a people problem. Pit bulls represent one in four of all animals taken into shelters. More than 80 percent of pit bulls in shelters will die before their second birthday. My Pit Bull is Family is a national non-profit organization that works to “Lick Discrimination” for families through working to eliminate discriminatory housing and insurance practices when it comes to dogs. We do this through breaking the stereotypes that many have through holding educational community events and through the power of social media. Thousands of families across the United States and the world struggle with finding housing that will accept their Pit Bull type dog or other large breed dogs. MyPitBullisFamily.org is home to the largest housing database in the United States that has listings of rentals that do not breed discriminate. To learn more visit MyPitBullisFamliy.org or follow us on social media! Facebook.com/mypitbullisfamliy • Instagram @mypitbullisfamily.

The Pit Link Bracelet – $5.00

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The Pit Link Charm – $5.00


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    • ….sometimes you just need a little help from your friends, and other times you make new friends during a very difficult time.  This is what happened to our family when our son, Brett Banasiewicz, suffered a traumatic brain injury on his BMX bike on August 23, 2011.  Dustin Grice is one of Brett’s BMX buddies that reached out to us about the Link Foundation.  Jeff Troldahl, founder of the Link Foundation, and Dustin Grice designed a “Maddog” bracelet with Brett’s signature colors pink and green.  The Link Foundation sold many bracelets via the internet and also allowed us to sell the bracelets at Brett’s BMX Skate Park.  The proceeds went to Brett’s mounting medical bills.  Brett was able to obtain the best care in the United States that also included hyperbarics.  Brett had to relocate to Texas because the state of Indiana is not licensed to administer hyperbarics  for TBI’s..

      Lisa Banasiewicz, Brett B's Mom Kitchen Skatepark