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A red tulip is the worldwide symbol of Parkinsons disease. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disease of the nervous system. Symptoms include tremor, rigid muscles, and slow, difficult movement. 10,000,000 people worldwide have PD. This includes 1,000,000 Americans. 60,000 new cases are diagnosed every year in the USA. Medications and treatments alleviate symptoms of PD, but as the disease progresses, the treatments can’t keep up. There is no cure. At 44, Liz Ogren was diagnosed with PD. Exhausted and discouraged by the challenge of daily activities, Liz discovered that bicycling is powerful therapy. Liz started Pedal and Roll for Parkinson’s, a non-profit biking organization that introduces people with Parkinson’s to 3 and 4 wheeled bicycles that are easy to balance. Each person that pedals with Liz gets renewed hope, exercise, and smiles. Education and encouragement keep us moving. Support the Parkinson’s Link. Proceeds from the Parkinson’s Link will go to health and wellness inititatives to improve the quality of life for those living with PD.


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    • ….sometimes you just need a little help from your friends, and other times you make new friends during a very difficult time.  This is what happened to our family when our son, Brett Banasiewicz, suffered a traumatic brain injury on his BMX bike on August 23, 2011.  Dustin Grice is one of Brett’s BMX buddies that reached out to us about the Link Foundation.  Jeff Troldahl, founder of the Link Foundation, and Dustin Grice designed a “Maddog” bracelet with Brett’s signature colors pink and green.  The Link Foundation sold many bracelets via the internet and also allowed us to sell the bracelets at Brett’s BMX Skate Park.  The proceeds went to Brett’s mounting medical bills.  Brett was able to obtain the best care in the United States that also included hyperbarics.  Brett had to relocate to Texas because the state of Indiana is not licensed to administer hyperbarics  for TBI’s..

      Lisa Banasiewicz, Brett B's Mom Kitchen Skatepark